You can also use filtering. Select Add Filter, as shown in Figure 3-39, and you can select criteria on which to filter.
FIGURE 3-39 Selecting reporting filters for All Devices node
Filtering criteria are:
- Managed By
- Device Action
- Category
- Ownership
- Compliance
- Jailbroken
- OS
- Last Check-In, with Date And Time Ranges
- Enrollment Date, with Date And Time Ranges
Export Device Information
After you have filtered the devices in the list, select Export. You can then choose between two options:
- Only include selected columns in the exported file
- Include all inventory data in the exported file
Then select Yes, as shown in Figure 3-40, to export the data. A ZIP file is downloaded. You can access your report by selecting the Open file link in Microsoft Edge.
FIGURE 3-40 Exporting results for All Devices display
You can use Intune to monitor your enrolled devices. In Devices, select Monitor. You can then select and review the following information:
- Configuration Review reports on the assignment status and failures, devices with restricted apps, certificates, and a device encryption report.
- Compliance Review reports on noncompliant devices, devices without compliance policies, settings compliance, policy compliance, noncompliant policies, Windows health attestation reports, and threat agent status.
- Enrollment Review reports on Autopilot deployments, enrollment failures, and incomplete user enrollments.
- Software updates Review reports on per update ring deployment state, installation failures for iOS, and feature update failures.
- Other Review reports on device actions performed by administrators.
You can filter and export your required data for each reporting node, as shown in Figure 3-41.
FIGURE 3-41 Filtering monitoring options
The following sections explore some of these reporting options.
Monitor device actionsTo monitor actions
that have been performed on your devices, use the following procedure:1. In the Microsoft Intune admin center, select the Devices node and
select Monitor.2. On the Monitor page, in the Other section, select Device actions. Figure 3-42 displays the variousdevice actions that have been performed or are pending.
FIGURE 3-42 A list of recent and pending device actions
3. If you want, you can filter and export the results.